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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Importance of first semester freshman year

Quick question guys, how essential is the first semester of my freshman year in determining my college admissions outcome? Am I totally doomed if it doesn't go as planned? TIA!

8 months ago

While the first semester of freshman year can have some impact on your overall college admissions, it is hardly the sole determining factor. Colleges typically look at your complete high school performance, which includes all four years, to assess your readiness for college and your growth over time.

If your first semester doesn't go as planned, you have plenty of time to improve your performance in subsequent semesters. Colleges value seeing improvement and growth in a student's academics. If you consistently perform well from the second semester of freshman year onwards and demonstrate a strong upward trend, it will minimize the effects of a less-than-ideal start in your first semester.

Make sure to focus on building strong study habits, getting involved in extracurricular activities, and demonstrating leadership and dedication in your areas of interest. If you continue to grow and excel in your remaining time in high school, your first-semester performance is likely to be considered as just a small bump in the road during the college admissions process.

Remember, college admissions take into account various factors, not only your grades. They also consider the rigor of your coursework, your test scores (if applicable), extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, and essays. So, despite a rough start academically, you can still showcase your dedication, passion, and potential through these other aspects of your application.

In conclusion, while the first semester of freshman year can have a slight impact, it's by no means a make-or-break factor for your college admissions outcome. Focus on improving and maintaining strong grades, taking challenging courses, and engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities to demonstrate your growth as a student and individual.

8 months ago

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