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Thoughts on University of Connecticut's BS/MD program?

Hi everybody! I'm a high school junior looking into combined BS/MD programs. I recently found out about the University of Connecticut's BS/MD program. Can anyone provide some insight on this program? How competitive is it? Any experiences or thoughts would be helpful. Thanks a lot!

8 months ago

Hi there! The University of Connecticut (UConn) offers a competitive BS/MD program in collaboration with the UConn School of Medicine. This program is designed for highly motivated high school students who are committed to pursuing a career in medicine. Here's some information on the program and its competitiveness:

1. Program structure: The UConn BS/MD program is an eight-year combined program, with students spending their first four years earning an undergraduate degree (B.S. or B.A.) at UConn and the subsequent four years at the UConn School of Medicine. One of the advantages of this program is that it grants a provisional acceptance to the medical school, meaning you'll have a guaranteed spot if you meet all the requirements and maintain satisfactory performance throughout your undergraduate years.

2. Competitiveness: The UConn BS/MD program is quite competitive, as are most combined medical programs. Each year, only about 15 students are admitted into the program from a substantial applicant pool. To be considered for the program, applicants need to have a strong academic record (particularly in science courses), relevant extracurricular activities, and a demonstrated commitment to a career in medicine. While UConn doesn't publish specific GPA and test score statistics for the BS/MD program, students admitted to the program typically have very strong high school records.

3. Program requirements: In order to maintain their spot in the medical school, students in the program must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA in undergraduate coursework, complete all required pre-medical courses, and take the MCAT by the end of their junior year. Although there is no strict minimum MCAT score, students are encouraged to strive for scores that are competitive for medical school admission.

4. Extracurricular opportunities: Participating in the UConn BS/MD program offers students access to several research and clinical opportunities specifically designed for BS/MD students. Some examples include volunteering at local hospitals, involvement in the school's pre-medical society, and opportunities to shadow medical professionals.

In conclusion, if you're a highly motivated student with a strong interest in medicine, the UConn BS/MD program could be a great fit for you. Keep in mind the competitiveness of the program and make sure to showcase your dedication to medicine and strong academic background in your application. Best of luck!

8 months ago

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