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How is pre-med at UChicago?

Hello everyone! I'm considering UChicago for pre-med and I'd love to hear about your experiences with the program. How's the workload, faculty support, and research opportunities? Any insights would be super helpful!

8 months ago

Hi there! Pre-med at UChicago is highly regarded, and many students have positive experiences pursuing this track. Keep in mind that pre-med is not a major itself, but rather a collection of required courses and experiences to prepare for medical school.

Workload: UChicago is known for its rigorous academic environment, and pre-med students are no exception. You will be taking courses in the sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) and mathematics, in addition to fulfilling the college's core curriculum requirements. The workload can be challenging, but managing your time effectively, collaborating with peers, and utilizing available resources can help you succeed.

Faculty support: UChicago has a dedicated pre-med advising team that can provide guidance on course selection, internships, and strategies for applying to med school. Professors are also typically accessible and willing to help during office hours and via email. Engaging with faculty members who teach the required courses can also lead to research, mentorship, or even future letters of recommendation.

Research opportunities: Being a top research institution, UChicago offers numerous research opportunities in various fields, such as biology, chemistry, and biochemistry. Many students participate in faculty-led research through work-study positions or as volunteers. To find these opportunities, start by reaching out to faculty members whose research interests align with yours. Additionally, UChicago offers the Biological Sciences Collegiate Division (BSCD) research grants and Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs), which provide funding for student research projects.

Overall, UChicago's pre-med track is challenging, but the opportunities and resources available can equip you well for a successful path towards medical school. Finding a balance between your academic and extracurricular pursuits, reaching out to professors and advisors, and making the most of undergraduate research opportunities will help you thrive in the pre-med environment at UChicago. Good luck!

8 months ago

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