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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How to write the Additional Information section?

Hey there! I want to make the most out of the Additional Information section on my college apps, but I'm not sure what I should include. What kind of info is best to put in this section and how can I make it both informative and interesting?

10 months ago

The Additional Information section is a great opportunity to provide context or clarification that couldn't be covered elsewhere in your application. It's important to be concise and focus on relevant experiences or circumstances. Here are some ideas for what you can include and ways to make this section informative and interesting:

1. Special circumstances: If you've faced any challenges that have significantly impacted your academic or personal life, such as family/financial difficulties, health issues, or a major life event, this is your chance to briefly explain those circumstances and how they might have affected your academic performance or extracurricular involvement.

2. Course discrepancies: If your transcript doesn't reflect your true academic abilities due to a unique situation or if you've had gaps/interruptions in your education, provide an explanation for those discrepancies. For example, you may have transferred schools and couldn't take a specific class, or you decided to self-study for a subject.

3. Extracurricular commitment: If you had a particularly time-consuming extracurricular activity that required significant dedication (e.g., elite athlete, caregiver for a family member, etc.), you can mention this to provide context about your time management and responsibilities.

4. Standardized test discrepancies: If you faced specific obstacles while taking standardized tests (illness, personal matters, etc.), you can briefly explain the circumstances.

5. Short-term activities or projects: If you participated in a meaningful activity that wasn't ongoing or doesn't fit into the main extracurricular section, you can include it here. Describe the accomplishment and what you learned from it.

6. Artistic and creative pursuits: If you're passionate about a creative hobby (e.g., writing, music, or art), you can use this section to briefly mention your most significant achievements or experiences, especially if they didn't fit elsewhere in your application.

To make this section informative and interesting, be concise and focus on the most important details. Provide clear explanations, avoiding overly emotional language or exaggeration. Show, rather than tell, when possible, and use specific examples to demonstrate what you've learned or gained from your experiences. The goal is to help the admissions officers understand your unique background, interests, and talents better, so make sure you're presenting a complete and accurate picture of who you are as a candidate.

10 months ago

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