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Pre-Med Majors at UCLA

Hello! I'm considering applying for a pre-med major at UCLA. What are some options in terms of majors and what sort of pre-med guidance does the school offer? Any advice is appreciated!

10 months ago

UCLA is an excellent choice for pursuing a pre-med track. There isn't a specific "pre-med major," however - you can choose from various majors and fulfill the medical school prerequisites along with the courses within your major. That being said, there are some major options that are especially popular for pre-med students, due to the significant overlap between their required courses and the medical school prerequisites:

1. Biology: By providing a strong foundation in various subfields like molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, this major allows students to learn a range of biological concepts relevant to medicine.

2. Human Biology and Society: This unique interdisciplinary major combines biology with social sciences, by focusing on the societal implications and context of biological research and medical practice.

3. Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics: This major takes an in-depth look at microorganisms and their role in human health, by covering topics like microbiomes, immunology, and molecular virology.

4. Neuroscience: This major explores the nervous system's structure and function while delving into subjects like neurobiology, neural development, and neurological disorders.

5. Physiological Science: Centered around the study of human physiology, this major examines how the body's systems and organs function, which is essential for understanding human health and disease.

Additionally, UCLA offers extensive pre-med guidance through their Career Center, which provides academic and career advising, including help with course planning, extracurricular involvement, and preparing for the MCAT. Additionally, they host a variety of workshops, panel discussions, and events to help you network and learn from professionals in the healthcare field.

Some advice for pre-med students at UCLA includes:

1. Stay organized: Make sure you understand the medical school prerequisites and develop a plan to complete the necessary coursework while balancing your major requirements and extracurricular activities.

2. Seek research and clinical opportunities: Gain hands-on experience through research, internships, or volunteering in healthcare settings to demonstrate your commitment to the medical field and develop valuable skills.

3. Get involved: Join pre-med or healthcare-related clubs or organizations on campus to connect with like-minded students, explore various career paths, and broaden your understanding of the medical field.

4. Find mentorship: Connect with professors, healthcare professionals, or upperclassmen who can guide and support you throughout your pre-med journey. They can offer valuable advice and insights based on their own experiences.

5. Focus on maintaining a competitive GPA and preparing for the MCAT: Medical schools consider these factors heavily in their admissions process, so take your coursework seriously and develop a solid study plan for the MCAT.

Remember that the key to a successful pre-med experience is balancing your coursework with meaningful extracurricular activities and seeking guidance throughout your journey. And finally, if you're looking for advice on how to maximize your chances of acceptance at UCLA, consider checking out this blog post from CollegeVine breaking down how to tackle the application essays: UCLA is a selective institution, after all, and you want to be sure that you're presenting yourself and your passion for medicine as effectively as possible.

Good luck with your application and pursuit of a pre-med track at UCLA!

10 months ago

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