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Recommended books for writing college essays?

Hey there! I want to start working on my college essays and was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations for books that could help me with the process. Just trying to find resources that'll help me craft an amazing essay. Thanks!

10 months ago

Hey! It's great that you're looking to improve your essay writing skills. There are a few books out there that are highly recommended by many students and professionals in the admissions field:

1. "On Writing the College Application Essay" by Harry Bauld: This classic guide has been popular over the years for its candid and humorous approach to college essay writing. It offers insights on finding your unique voice and identifying the best topic for your essay.

2. "College Essay Essentials" by Ethan Sawyer: Also known as the College Essay Guy, Ethan Sawyer shares his tried-and-true methods for brainstorming, structuring, and polishing your essays. This book provides various exercises and examples to help you navigate the essay writing process effectively.

3. "Conquering the College Admissions Essay in 10 Steps" by Alan Gelb: This step-by-step guide offers practical advice for organizing your thoughts, crafting an engaging narrative, and putting the finishing touches on your essay.

4. "Write Your Way In: Crafting an Unforgettable College Admissions Essay" by Rachel Toor: This book takes a unique approach by focusing on the art of writing and how to express your authentic self through your essays.

5. "50 Successful Harvard Application Essays" by Staff of the Harvard Crimson: While not a guide on writing essays, this compilation of successful essays will give you an idea of what top colleges are looking for in terms of content, tone, and style.

Remember, the key to an amazing essay is staying true to yourself while finding a unique angle to share your story. Use these resources as a starting point, and make sure to also seek feedback from teachers, family members, or mentors who know you well.

Additionally, CollegeVine has a range of free online essay-writing resources for you to check out, such as this breakdown of how to tackle the Common App personal statement: Their blog also has a series of posts focusing on specific school's supplemental essay prompts, such as this one for Yale:

Good luck with your essay writing!

10 months ago

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