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Good Colleges in Pennsylvania and Virginia for Medical?

I'm considering pursuing a medical career, and I'm looking for colleges in Pennsylvania and Virginia that have strong medical programs. What are some good schools in these states for pre-med or medical programs?

10 months ago

Pennsylvania and Virginia both have several reputable colleges and universities with strong pre-med or medical programs. Here's a list of some good choices to consider in both states:


1. University of Pennsylvania: UPenn's Perelman School of Medicine is a top medical school, and the university has a strong reputation for pre-med preparation as well.

2. Pennsylvania State University: Penn State has a robust pre-med program and offers a wide range of healthcare-related majors and resources.

3. Thomas Jefferson University: This university's Sidney Kimmel Medical College is well-known for its medical education and research opportunities.


1. University of Virginia: UVA has both a strong pre-med program and a reputable School of Medicine. Their robust undergraduate research and clinical opportunities make it an excellent choice for aspiring medical professionals.

2. Virginia Commonwealth University: VCU's School of Medicine is highly respected, and the university provides a robust pre-medical program with ample resources for undergraduate students.

3. George Mason University: GMU has specific pre-med advising resources and a variety of health-related majors, which makes it a strong choice for students looking to pursue a medical career.

Keep in mind that factors such as the size of the institution, location, and campus culture can significantly influence your college experience, so be sure to research each school thoroughly to ensure it aligns with your preferences. You want to be sure you end up at an institution where you'll thrive personally as well as academically.

Additionally, admissions committees at medical schools tend to look for strong academic performance, well-rounded extracurricular involvement, and evidence of a commitment to serving others in aspiring medical professionals. While strong academic performance is essential, gaining experience through volunteer work, internships, and research opportunities will further strengthen your application to medical school.

Best of luck with your medical pursuits!

10 months ago

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