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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Write a Thank You Note After a School Interview?

I recently had an interview for a private high school, and I want to make sure I leave a good impression. Can someone help me with writing a sample thank you note after the interview? Any tips or suggestions are appreciated!

11 months ago

Writing a thank you note after a school interview is a great way to show your appreciation and leave a positive impression! Here's a sample thank you note and some tips to guide you:

Subject: Thank you for the [School Name] Interview

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude for the opportunity to interview with you for [School Name] on [Date]. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and learning more about the engaging academic opportunities and supportive community at [School Name].

Your insightful explanations about [specific aspect of the school discussed during the interview] resonated with me, as I am passionate about [related personal interest or goal]. I also appreciated hearing about your own experiences as a [teacher/administrator/student or any role mentioned by the interviewer] at [School Name], which further reinforced the sense of belonging and camaraderie present at the school.

I am truly thankful for the time and effort you dedicated to our interview, and I am even more excited about the prospect of joining the [School Name] community. If there are any additional steps or information needed, please feel free to reach out.

Once again, thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to and growing alongside the vibrant [School Name] community.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

Tips for writing a thank you note:

1. Be timely: Send your thank you note within 24-48 hours after your interview.

2. Stay concise and focused: Keep your email brief and on-topic; limit it to no more than three short paragraphs.

3. Emphasize your interest: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the school and tie it back to specific aspects mentioned during the interview or personal goals.

4. Include personal details: Reference at least one memorable or engaging conversation point from your interview to connect it back to your own experience.

5. Proofread: Double-check your email for spelling and grammar errors before sending.

Good luck, and I hope your thank you note helps solidify a positive impression with your interviewer!

11 months ago

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