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What to expect from Columbia University interviews

Hey guys! I got an interview request for Columbia University, and I'm thrilled. Has anyone been through this before, and what kind of questions should I expect? Would love some advice on preparing for it.

10 months ago

Congratulations on getting an interview request for Columbia University! Here's a general idea of what to expect from the interview and some advice on how to prepare for it:

1. The interview is conducted by alumni, and their main goal is to learn more about you as a person and your fit for Columbia University. Typical interview duration ranges from 30 minutes to an hour.

2. The questions you may be asked can be divided into a few categories:

- Introduction and Background: Be prepared to discuss your high school experience, your extracurricular activities, and your academic interests. Share your personal story and what you are passionate about.

- Why Columbia: You should be able to explain why you're interested in attending Columbia, what specifically you like about the university, and how you plan to contribute to the community.

- Academics and Interests: Talk about the subjects you enjoy, any major you are considering, and how your academic and extracurricular interests align with what Columbia has to offer.

- Future Goals: Be ready to discuss your long-term goals and aspirations, and how attending Columbia will help you achieve them.

3. Be prepared for situational or behavioral questions. For example, you might be asked to discuss a time when you faced a challenge or how you would handle a hypothetical scenario. These questions are designed to get a better understanding of your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and ability to work with others.

4. Be prepared for potential "fun" questions designed to help the interviewer get to know you better. These can include things like your favorite books, movies, or hobbies.

5. The interview is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about Columbia, which can be helpful in demonstrating your genuine interest in the university. Prepare a few thoughtful questions related to academics, student life, or experiences that the interviewer may have had as a student at Columbia.

To prepare for the interview, research Columbia University thoroughly, especially focusing on the aspects that are most relevant and interesting to you. Practice answering potential interview questions with a friend or family member, being sure to highlight your strengths and passions.

Lastly, remember to be yourself, be genuine, and relax. The interview is a conversation, and the interviewer wants to get to know you better as a person, so share your story confidently and enjoy the opportunity to connect with a Columbia alum.

Good luck with your interview!

10 months ago

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