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Jobs available for high school grads?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about future plans and curious about what types of jobs are typically available for high school grads. Are there any jobs/careers that can be pursued with just a high school diploma or minimal additional education?

10 months ago

There are definitely a variety of job opportunities for high school graduates that don't require a college degree or extensive additional education. Here are some examples of jobs that you can pursue with a high school diploma or some vocational or on-the-job training:

1. Trades: Skilled trades such as plumbing, electrician, and carpentry are always in high demand and offer stable income potential. Many of these trades require apprenticeship programs or vocational training.

2. Retail and Sales: Many retail positions, including store management positions, do not require a college degree. Sales positions in various industries are also open to high school graduates and may offer salary plus commission packages.

3. Office administration: Positions such as receptionists, administrative assistants, and office clerks often don't require extensive education beyond a high school diploma.

4. Transportation: Truck drivers, delivery drivers, taxi drivers, and even some public transit operators may only require a high school diploma, a commercial driver's license, and possibly additional specialized training.

5. First responders: Careers in emergency services, such as police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians, typically require a high school diploma, although some additional training and certification may be necessary.

6. Hospitality and Food Service: Restaurant manager positions, as well as roles in hotel management and event planning, may not require a college education. Experience in these industries goes a long way in lieu of formal education in many cases.

7. Manufacturing and Production: High school graduates can find jobs in the manufacturing and production industries, with on-the-job training for roles like machine operators, assemblers, and maintenance technicians.

8. Customer service and call centers: Customer support and call center roles often only require a high school diploma, with companies providing the necessary training for specific roles.

9. Healthcare support: Certain healthcare positions, such as medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, and Home Health Aides, may be pursued with a high school diploma along with vocational training or certification.

10. Real estate: You can work in real estate as an agent with only a real estate license, which usually requires completing a pre-licensing course and passing a licensing exam.

Keep in mind that pursuing additional training, certification, or education can lead to better job opportunities, higher pay, and increased job security in many of these fields.

10 months ago

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