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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to abbreviate extracurricular activities?

Hey everyone, I'm working on my college applications and I have limited space for listing my extracurriculars. Is there a commonly accepted short form or abbreviation for 'extracurricular activities' that colleges prefer to see?

10 months ago

Hello! In college applications, you'll often see "extracurricular activities" abbreviated as "ECs" or "EAs". Both are fairly common and should be easily recognized by admissions officers. However, when listing your own activities, it's best to provide a brief description of each, prioritizing your most significant or impactful roles. You don't necessarily need to use abbreviations if it might lead to confusion, but you can condense the activity names by focusing on essential keywords that clearly communicate the nature of your involvement.

For example:

- Instead of "Varsity Basketball Team Captain," list "Varsity Bball Captain"

- Instead of "President of Robotics Club," list "RoboClub Pres."

This way, you'll save space and still convey your extracurricular accomplishments in a concise and clear manner. Good luck with your applications!

10 months ago

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