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Dartmouth Early Decision: What's the timeline like?

Hey everyone! I'm currently a junior, and I've heard great things about Dartmouth. I'm seriously considering applying Early Decision. However, I'm not sure about the timeline and key dates for ED applicants. Can someone provide a general outline of the Dartmouth ED process, from application to decision release? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! It's excellent that you're considering Dartmouth and looking into Early Decision. Here's a general outline of the timeline and key dates for Dartmouth's Early Decision process:

1. Application deadline: Typically, the ED application deadline falls around November 1st. Check Dartmouth's admissions website to confirm the exact date for the upcoming application cycle.

2. Submitting standardized test scores: Beginning with the 2024-2025 applications cycle, Dartmouth will require students to submit test scores to be considered for admisssion, so make sure you have ample oportunities to take the SAT or ACT before November 1st of your senior year.

3. Financial aid: If you need financial aid, you'll want to submit the CSS Profile and FAFSA by the deadline, usually around November 1st, as well. Dartmouth's financial aid office may request additional documentation, so it's crucial to be attentive to any communication from them and to respond promptly.

4. Interview: Dartmouth offers optional alumni interviews for applicants. Once you submit your application, an interviewer might reach out to schedule a conversation with you. However, not all applicants receive an interview due to availability.

5. Decision release: Early Decision applicants typically receive their decisions in mid-December. The decision you receive can be an acceptance, denial, or deferral to the Regular Decision pool.

6. Reply deadline: If you're accepted to Dartmouth under the Early Decision agreement, you'll have a deadline, usually around January 1st, to accept the offer and withdraw any other applications. If you're deferred, you'll receive a final decision during the Regular Decision release, around late March or early April.

Keep in mind that this timeline is subject to change, so always reference Dartmouth's admissions website for the most current dates and information. Good luck with your application!

8 months ago

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