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SAT: 720 math
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College prerequisites - what are they?

In my college research, I've been seeing the term 'prerequisite' quite a lot. Can someone help me understand what a prerequisite is and how it affects my college course selection?

8 months ago

A prerequisite is a course or requirement that must be completed before a student can enroll in a more advanced course or participate in certain academic programs. In essence, prerequisites ensure that students have the foundational knowledge necessary to succeed in the subsequent courses. They are quite common in college courses, especially in subjects like mathematics, science, and foreign languages, where there's a clear progression of material.

For example, an introductory chemistry course might be a prerequisite for a more advanced organic chemistry course. A student would have to complete the introductory course (and usually achieve a minimum grade, such as a C or better) before being allowed to take the more advanced course.

Prerequisites can also extend beyond individual courses. For instance, some majors may require that you complete certain courses before you can declare or pursue that major. Similarly, some academic programs or research opportunities might only be open to students who have completed a specified set of courses or achieved a specific GPA.

Understanding prerequisites is important for effectively planning your college course selection. To ensure you can complete your desired major or academic program on time, you should familiarize yourself with any prerequisite requirements. Make sure you take the necessary courses in the appropriate sequence, and that you meet any other prerequisite conditions. You can usually find prerequisite information in a course catalog or on a department's website, and you can always consult an academic advisor for guidance.

Keep in mind that prerequisites can vary between colleges and even between different programs within the same college. For this reason, it's essential to double-check the requirements specific to the institution and program you'll be attending.

8 months ago

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