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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Impact of the Common App dates?

Hey y'all! So I've been working on my Common App and noticed you can list the dates of involvement for each activity/extracurricular. How do the dates take part in admission officers' evaluation? Does it matter if I've been involved in an activity for only a short period of time, or if I only recently joined?

10 months ago

Hey there! Great question about the role of activity dates on the Common App. When admission officers review your activities/extracurriculars, they do take into account the duration and consistency of your involvement. It helps them understand your level of commitment and dedication to a particular interest or organization.

Activities where you've shown long-term commitment and growth over years typically carry more weight than those where you only participated for a short time or joined recently. This is because colleges like to see students who've demonstrated consistency and passion in their pursuits—these qualities often translate into success in college and beyond.

But don't worry if some of your activities are recent or of shorter duration—those can still be valuable in portraying a well-rounded student with diverse interests. It's completely normal for students to explore new activities and interests throughout high school.

When listing your activities on the Common App, focus on showcasing a mix of both long-term commitments and newer pursuits. Remember, it's the quality and impact of your involvement that matters most, so use the description space wisely to emphasize your accomplishments, leadership roles, and any significant contributions you've made during your time in each activity.

In short, while the duration of your involvement in an activity does play a role in how admission officers evaluate your application, it's essential to emphasize the quality and impact of your experiences to create a positive impression. Good luck with your application!

10 months ago

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