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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the purpose of a Letter of Continued Interest?

Hello! I've been hearing about the 'Letter of Continued Interest' for med schools, but I'm not exactly sure what it is or how it works. Can someone explain the purpose of sending one and when it is appropriate to send one?

10 months ago

A Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) is a communication tool that candidates can use to express their continued interest and enthusiasm for a particular medical school they have applied to, particularly after they have been waitlisted, deferred, or have not heard back from the school within the expected timeframe. The purpose of a LOCI is to update the admissions committee on any new accomplishments, significant experiences, or developments in the candidate's profile since their initial application while also reaffirming their commitment and desire to attend that specific medical school.

It is appropriate to send a LOCI after you’ve received a decision indicating that the admissions committee is still considering your candidacy, such as being waitlisted or deferred. If you haven't received a decision within the expected timeframe, it could also be suitable to send a LOCI to express your ongoing interest in the school. However, it's essential to respect the school's communications preferences and stated policies, as some institutions may specify when or if they welcome such letters.

When crafting a LOCI, make sure to remain concise, professional, and respectful. It's important to share any meaningful updates to your application, such as recent awards, research projects, or noteworthy extracurricular achievements. Additionally, use the letter as an opportunity to reiterate your passion for the medical school and explain why it remains your top choice. If done properly, a well-crafted LOCI can help elevate your application and increase your chances of gaining admission to your desired medical school.

10 months ago

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