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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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EA Decision Dates for Colleges?

Hey guys, I'm applying to some schools EA (Early Action) this year. I'm a little bit stressed about the whole process. Does anyone know when EA decision dates typically are? Are they usually around the same time for most schools? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hi there! Totally understand the stress that comes with the college application process. For Early Action decisions, most schools usually release them around mid-December. While this is a general timeline, the specific dates can vary depending on the college.

To get a better idea of when your EA schools will release their decisions, check the admissions websites or social media pages for each school you applied to. They typically announce the release dates as the day approaches, so make sure to stay updated. Keep in mind that some schools use a rolling admissions process, so they might send out decisions earlier or at different times.

Just have your email and school application portal login information handy when the time comes—that's where you'll most likely find your decision. Wishing you the best of luck with your applications!

10 months ago

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