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Navigating the Common App?

Hey everyone! I'm starting to work on my college applications, and I'm a bit overwhelmed with the Common App process. Are there any tips or resources out there to make things easier for me? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hey there! I understand that the Common App process can be a bit overwhelming at first, but don't worry, there are several tips and resources to help you navigate it smoothly.

1. Break it down: Instead of tackling the entire application at once, break it down into smaller tasks. Work on the background information first, then move on to your activity list, essay prompts, and school-specific supplements.

2. Draft your activity list: Before entering your activities on the Common App, create a document listing them with their descriptions, hours, and positions held. This will make filling out the Activities section more manageable and organized.

3. Create a timeline: Set deadlines for when you want to complete each section or supplement. Remember to take into account official application deadlines, but also give yourself plenty of time for revisions. A good rule of thumb is to have your application ready a week before the official deadline.

4. Proofread and review: Ask someone you trust, such as a teacher, counselor, or parent, to review your application, including your main Common App essay and school-specific supplements. They can provide useful insights and catch errors that you might have missed.

5. Be consistent: Use the same format for dates, abbreviations, and other details throughout the application. Consistency will make your application appear more polished and easier to read.

6. Keep track of deadlines: Make a calendar that includes the deadlines for each school you're applying to. This will help you stay organized and ensure you don't miss any important dates.

7. Utilize resources: CollegeVine is a great resource with webinars, articles, and tools to guide you through the application process. Another resource is the Common App Help Center, which provides FAQ and support for specific sections if you have questions.

8. Use the "Preview" function: Regularly use the "Preview" function in the Common App to see how your application will look to colleges. It's important to double-check all sections for formatting issues and other errors.

Stay organized, work at a manageable pace, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Handling the application process one step at a time will make it much less daunting. Best of luck with your applications!

10 months ago

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