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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How can I find the right college for me?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and I'm feeling a bit lost in the college search process. How did you guys find the right college for you? What factors should I consider when making a decision? CollegeVine, your resources have been super helpful so far!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to hear that you're starting your college search early. Finding the right college can be a bit overwhelming, but taking it step by step can make it more manageable. First, think about what you want in terms of academics. Are you looking for a specific major or program? Do you want a large research university or a small liberal arts college? Next, consider location. Do you want to be close to home or are you looking to experience a new part of the country? Urban, suburban, or rural settings can also make a difference in your college experience. Financial aspects are important too. Look into schools that offer financial aid packages or scholarships that fit your needs. Lastly, visit campuses if you can. This can give you a feel for the campus culture and help you envision yourself as a student there. Talk to current students, faculty, and alumni to get a better understanding of the community. Remember, there's no perfect formula for finding the right college. It's about finding a place where you feel you can grow and thrive. Good luck in your search!

a year ago

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