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Harvard Supplemental Advice?

Hey y'all, I'm working on my Harvard supplemental essay and feeling a little stuck. Does anyone have any tips or advice on writing a strong Harvard supplemental essay? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

10 months ago

Sure, I'd be glad to help you with your Harvard supplemental essay! First, it's important to remember that the Harvard supplemental essay is an opportunity for you to showcase a different side of yourself or delve deeper into an area of interest that might not be covered in your personal statement. Here are a few tips to help you write a strong essay:

1. Understand the prompts: Typically, Harvard provides an interesting range of prompts, so take time to read through each and plan what you might write about for each one.

2. Be specific: When discussing an interest or experience in your essay, use concrete examples to support your points. This can help create a more vivid picture of your passions, background, and values. For instance, instead of saying you have a passion for volunteer work, describe a meaningful event you participated in and the impact it had on you and others.

3. Show your thought process: Harvard values intellectual curiosity and critical thinking, so make sure your essay reflects your thought process. Discuss how a particular experience or interest has shaped your perspective or influenced your decisions, and delve into the complexities of your subject.

4. Consider your tone and style: Approach your essay with an authentic voice that represents your personality. A genuine tone can make your essay stand out in a sea of polished but impersonal essays. You can use a more informal tone if it feels natural, but don't force it if it doesn't suit your essay's subject matter or your own tendencies as a writer.

5. Revise and proofread: Finally, make sure to revise and thoroughly proofread your essay. This demonstrates that you've taken the time to polish your writing and present your best work to the admissions committee. Get feedback from a trusted teacher, counselor, or mentor to ensure your essay is on target and well structured.

For more specific and in-depth advice on tackling the Harvard essays, check out this CollegeVine article:

Remember that the supplemental essay is another chance to showcase who you are as an individual and demonstrate your fit with Harvard's academic culture. Good luck with your essay, and I hope these tips help you create a compelling piece!

10 months ago

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