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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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College Decision Days

Hey everyone, I was wondering when college decision days typically are? I know they vary across colleges, but what's the general timeframe? Can someone give me an idea of what time of year I'll hear back from schools?

10 months ago

Hello! College decision release dates can vary depending on the school and the application plan (Early Decision, Early Action, or Regular Decision) you chose. However, I can give you a general idea of the typical timeframes for each application plan:

1. Early Decision (ED): If you applied under an ED plan, colleges typically release decisions in mid-December. Keep in mind that some schools with ED II may release decisions in February.

2. Early Action (EA): For those who applied EA, decisions are generally released between mid-December and mid-January. However, some colleges with rolling admissions may start releasing EA decisions as early as late October.

3. Regular Decision (RD): RD decisions are typically released between March and April. However, colleges with rolling admissions might release decisions on a continuous basis, so you may hear back earlier.

Lastly, be sure to check each individual college's website for specific decision release dates, as these timeframes can change or vary depending on the school. Keep an eye on your email and/or the school's admission portal for notifications about your decision. Good luck, and I hope you receive the results you're hoping for!

10 months ago

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