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Most popular majors at Stanford?

Hi, I've been looking at Stanford for college and I'm curious about the most popular majors there. I'm still undecided on what I want to study, so knowing what programs attract most students would be great. Thanks!

10 months ago

Hi there! Stanford offers a variety of strong programs across many disciplines, but some of the most popular majors among its undergraduate students include:

1. Computer Science: This major is quite popular, given Stanford's close proximity to Silicon Valley and its strong emphasis on research and innovation in the field.

2. Human Biology: This interdisciplinary major combines the study of biology, psychology, and social sciences, making it appealing to many students interested in life sciences and human-centered research.

3. Engineering: Many students are drawn to Stanford for its engineering programs, which are highly regarded. Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are among the most popular within the engineering school.

4. Economics: Stanford is also known for its robust economics program, attracting students interested in understanding and addressing economic issues on a local and global scale.

5. International Relations: As a major global research university, Stanford's international relations program is well-regarded and attracts many students interested in studying global issues and pursuing careers in diplomacy, international business, or policy analysis.

6. Biology: This popular program offers students a strong foundation in the life sciences, as well as opportunities for research and lab experience, preparing them well for careers or further study in various fields.

Keep in mind that these are just a few examples of popular majors at Stanford; the university offers a wide range of undergraduate programs across various disciplines. As you begin to explore your interests, you might also want to consider the interdisciplinary programs, minors, and individualized study opportunities that the university provides to help tailor your academic experience. Good luck!

10 months ago

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