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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When's a good time to start prepping for the SAT?

Hi, I'm a junior and was wondering when I should start preparing for the SAT? I really want to do well but I'm not sure when's the right time to start. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

10 months ago

Hi! It's a great idea to plan ahead for your SAT prep. A common approach is to start preparing for the SAT during your junior year. This gives you ample time to study, take practice tests, and identify the areas where you might need additional help. Here's a suggested timeline to help guide you through the process:

1. Fall of junior year: Familiarize yourself with the test format and content. You can do this by reviewing the College Board's website, checking out prep books, or using online resources like Khan Academy's free SAT prep program. It's also a good idea to create a study schedule to keep yourself on track.

2. Winter of junior year: Start taking practice tests to gauge your baseline performance. You should aim to take one full-length practice test every 3-4 weeks, with focused studying on your areas of weakness in between. This will help you track your progress and adjust your study habits as needed.

3. Spring of junior year: This is when you'll likely take your first official SAT test. Make sure to register for a test date that works for your schedule and gives you enough time to continue studying. It's recommended to leave a 2-3 month window for studying before your test date.

4. Summer before senior year: If needed, use this time to continue studying and preparing for a retake of the SAT in the fall. You'll have more free time during the summer, which can be utilized for focused studying or attending an SAT prep course if you feel it'll be beneficial.

5. Fall of senior year: Take the SAT for the final time if necessary. Ideally, you should be done with your SAT testing by October or November so that you can focus on college applications and meet the early decision/early action deadlines.

Remember, it's essential to practice consistently and seek help when necessary. You know yourself best, so adapt this timeline based on your needs and availability. Good luck with your SAT prep!

10 months ago

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