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Advice for UCLA Personal Statement

I'm starting to work on my college apps and I'm really set on UCLA. I want to make sure my personal statement stands out. Does anyone have any tips on what to focus on or any do's and don'ts for the UCLA personal statement? Thanks!

10 months ago

It's important to remember that UCLA, as part of the University of California (UC) system, uses the UC application with its set of 8 Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) instead of a traditional personal statement. You will need to choose 4 of the 8 PIQs to answer, with each response limited to 350 words. To ensure your responses stand out to the admissions committee, you should check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down what each PIQ is looking for and how to write a strong response:

You should also consider the following, general tips:

1. Choose questions that resonate with you: Carefully read all 8 PIQs and select the ones that you feel genuinely connected to. Strong answers should showcase your personality and demonstrate what makes you unique.

2. Tell a story: Use anecdotes and personal experiences as the backbone of your response to illustrate your point. Share how you've grown, what you've learned, and how the experience has influenced you.

3. Show, don't tell: Rather than simply listing your achievements, talents, or interests, make sure to provide concrete examples that demonstrate those qualities. Use descriptive language and vivid details that paint a clear picture of your experiences and emotions.

4. Be focused and specific: Each response should revolve around one central idea or experience. Avoid trying to cover too many topics in a single answer, as having a diluted message leads to a less impactful response.

5. Reflection is key: The PIQs are designed to assess not just what you've done but also who you are and how you think. Therefore, include thoughtful reflection on your experiences and how they tie into your overall goals, as well as UCLA's values and mission.

6. Edit and revise: As with any college essay, put your best foot forward by proofreading your responses for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as ensuring that your answers are clear and well-organized. If you're looking to get another set of eyes on your essay, remember that CollegeVine offers both a free peer essay review tool and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors - often, someone who can look at your essay more objectively catches errors that you missed after reading over your own writing so many times.

Overall, the UCLA admissions committee wants to learn more about you beyond your academic achievements. Be genuine in your responses and make sure to connect your experiences to your future goals and how UCLA can help you achieve them. Good luck!

10 months ago

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