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How to convert SAT scores to ACT scores?

Hello, friends! I took the SAT and I was wondering if there's a reliable calculator or method to convert my SAT score to an equivalent ACT score. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

10 months ago

Hello! There's no direct one-to-one conversion between SAT and ACT scores, as they're designed to assess different skills and have different scoring scales. However, the College Board and ACT have published a concordance table that can give you an idea of what your SAT score might translate to as an ACT score. The table allows you to compare scores and percentiles for both tests side by side.

To use the table, look for your SAT score, and then find the corresponding ACT score in the "ACT Composite" column right next to it. Keep in mind that these conversions are just approximate and may not be exact, so it's essential to approach this with the understanding that it's an estimate of your potential ACT score.

You can access the official concordance table here:

If you're considering taking the ACT, it's important to remember that colleges generally accept either SAT or ACT scores, so it's more about choosing the test that works best for you. I would recommend taking a practice ACT test to get a feel for the exam and to see if you prefer that test format over the SAT.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any other questions!

10 months ago

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