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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the Princeton early decision date?

I'm considering applying to Princeton through Early Decision, but I'm not sure when the deadline is. Can anyone provide the specific date when I need to submit my application? Also, are there any downsides to going Early Decision, like not being able to compare financial aid offers from other schools?

10 months ago

The deadline for Princeton's Early Decision (also known as Single-Choice Early Action) application is typically November 1st. With this type of application, you may apply to other schools during their regular decision deadlines, but you can't apply early action or early decision to any other private schools.

As for your specific concern about financial aid in Early Decision, that is more relevant to the binding Early Decision offered by some other schools, where you are committed to attending upon acceptance. Princeton's Single-Choice Early Action is non-binding, so if you're accepted, you'll have until the universal May 1st deadline to decide whether you want to attend this school or another. This allows you the ability to compare financial aid packages from any other schools that also accept you during regular decision.

One downside to Princeton's Single-Choice Early Action might be that you won't be able to apply to other private schools under early action, so you might miss out on improving your chances at those other colleges. However, by applying early to Princeton, you can demonstrate your interest in the institution, and it's worth noting that many colleges tend to have slightly higher acceptance rates for those who apply early compared to regular decision.

10 months ago

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