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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

UC Berkeley Early Decision?

Hi fellow applicants! I want to apply to UC Berkeley as one of my top choices. I heard that some schools offer early decision or early action. Does UC Berkeley have an early decision option? If not, how does their application timeline work? Let me know, thanks!

10 months ago

Hi there! UC Berkeley does not offer Early Decision or Early Action application options. Instead, they follow the regular UC application timeline along with the other University of California campuses. The application period for all UC schools, including UC Berkeley, typically runs from October 1st to November 30th for fall admission. All applicants will receive their admission decisions around the same time, usually in late March.

You must submit your application along with your personal insight questions and other requirements (such as letters of recommendation, if applicable) within this time window. Keep an eye on the UC admissions website for any updates or changes to the application timeline, and make sure to submit all required materials before the deadline to ensure your application is considered. Good luck with your application to UC Berkeley!

10 months ago

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