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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the typical sizes of colleges?

Hey everyone! As I'm doing my college search, I've noticed that colleges come in various sizes. What's the typical range of student population for smaller, mid-sized, and larger universities? Just trying to get a better understanding. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! College sizes indeed vary greatly, and understanding the typical range can help you determine which size best suits your preferences. Here's how they are generally categorized:

1. Small colleges: These institutions typically have an undergraduate student population of up to 5,000. Many small colleges are liberal arts colleges, which often offer smaller class sizes and a more intimate learning environment. Examples include Amherst College, Williams College, and Swarthmore College.

2. Mid-sized colleges: The undergraduate population at mid-sized colleges ranges from approximately 5,000 to 15,000 students. These schools can strike a balance between the resources and opportunities of large universities and the personal attention of small colleges. They often provide a more comprehensive range of subjects and majors than small colleges while still maintaining a smaller campus feel. Examples include Lehigh University, Boston College, and Vanderbilt University.

3. Large universities: Large universities have undergraduate populations over 15,000 students. These schools usually have diverse course offerings and many opportunities for research, internships, and extracurricular activities. Class sizes can be larger, especially for introductory and general education courses. However, upper-level classes in your major may be smaller. Examples of large universities include University of Michigan, University of Texas at Austin, and University of California, Los Angeles.

It's essential to consider which size college fits best for you. Some students appreciate the tight-knit community of small colleges, while others may prefer the wider range of resources and opportunities in larger universities. Visiting campuses and taking virtual tours can also help you get a feel for the environment and make a decision based on your personal preferences and needs. Good luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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