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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Yale deferral to acceptance rate?

Hey folks! I'm considering applying early action to Yale, but I'm curious about their deferral policy. Does anyone know what the acceptance rate is for deferred students who eventually get accepted in the regular decision round?

10 months ago

The acceptance rate for deferred students at Yale typically varies each year, as it depends on the strength of the applicant pool during the regular decision round. Although the exact deferral to acceptance rate is not publicly available, it's important to know that it's likely quite competitive since deferred students enter the larger regular decision applicant pool.

In the past, some sources have estimated the deferred acceptance rate to be around 5-15%, but this should be taken with a grain of salt, as the numbers can change annually. If you apply to Yale Early Action and get deferred, it's essential to remain optimistic and use the time to strengthen your application—for instance, submitting updated grades, test scores (if applicable), or even additional achievements—before the regular decision review.

Please remember that applying early action can give you an edge in the admissions process, but deferral doesn't mean rejection. Stay focused, submit a strong application, and continue exploring other colleges to widen your options. Good luck!

10 months ago

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