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SAT: 720 math
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What are some good questions to ask my Harvard interviewer?

Hey everyone! I have a Harvard interview coming up, and I'm super excited! Besides researching the school, I wanted to prepare some thoughtful questions to ask my interviewer. What would you all recommend I ask to leave a lasting impression?

8 months ago

It's great that you're preparing for your interview! Having insightful questions can certainly help you leave a lasting impression. Here are a few suggestions:

1. What was your most memorable experience or class during your time at Harvard? This question allows your interviewer to reflect on their personal experiences and enables you to gain a better understanding of the school culture.

2. Are there any unique aspects of the academic environment at Harvard that you think really sets it apart from other universities? This can highlight your interest in what makes Harvard special and can help you learn about unique academic opportunities or resources.

3. How have you seen Harvard evolve over the years, either academically, socially, or in terms of campus life? This question demonstrates your desire to view the institution in a larger context and understand its continuous growth and development.

4. Can you share any insights about the housing system and how it contributes to the sense of community on campus? This question can encourage your interviewer to discuss the residential experience at Harvard and how it enhances the overall college life.

5. What sort of guidance and support did you receive at Harvard in terms of academic advising, career services, and alumni networks? Asking this question expresses your interest in the long-term value of a Harvard education and how the university supports its students even after graduation.

6. Are there any campus traditions or events that you particularly enjoyed or found meaningful? Inquiring about campus events and traditions can give you a sense of the school spirit and camaraderie at Harvard.

Make sure you genuinely connect with the questions you ask and try to listen actively to your interviewer's responses. This will demonstrate that you value their perspective and are truly interested in learning more about Harvard. Good luck with your interview!

8 months ago

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