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How do colleges view community college courses?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior, and I've taken some community college courses while in high school. I was wondering how colleges view these courses when making admissions decisions. Do they see them as a positive, or do they not carry as much weight as AP or IB courses? Thanks for any info you can provide!

a year ago

Hey there! My child went through a similar situation, taking community college courses while in high school. From our experience, colleges do view these courses as a positive. They show that you're capable of handling college-level coursework and are willing to challenge yourself academically. However, keep in mind that the weight of community college courses compared to AP or IB courses can vary depending on the college you're applying to and the specific courses you took. Some colleges might value AP or IB courses more, while others might see them as equally valuable or even prefer the community college courses. It's a good idea to research the colleges you're interested in to see if they have any specific preferences. Overall, though, taking community college courses while in high school is definitely a plus in the admissions process. Good luck on your college journey!

a year ago

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