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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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First Day as a Freshman: What Should I Expect?

Hey everyone! I know it's a bit early to think about it, but I'm already imagining my first day as a freshman in college. Can any current college students or recent grads share their experiences or insights? What's it like to step on campus for the first time? Thanks for sharing!

4 months ago


It's natural to be excited and curious about your first day as a freshman. While everyone's experience is unique, here are some general things you can expect on your first day:

1. Orientation activities: Your college will likely organize orientation sessions with icebreakers, tours, and information on campus resources. Be sure to attend these events, as they can help you get familiar with the campus and meet new people.

2. Meeting roommates and neighbors: If you're staying in a dorm, you'll get to know your roommates and neighbors. It can be helpful to discuss expectations for shared spaces and set ground rules early on to avoid conflicts.

3. Exploring campus: College campuses can be quite large and confusing, so give yourself time to explore and find your way around. Locate where your classes, dining halls, libraries, and other important buildings are.

4. Getting involved: Your college will probably host a club and organization fair, where you can sign up for extracurricular activities that interest you. Joining clubs is a fantastic way to make friends and pursue your passions outside the classroom.

5. Meeting your professors: Don't be shy to introduce yourself to your professors during class or after. Building relationships with them can be beneficial throughout your college career.

6. Adapting to academic expectations: College classes can be more rigorous than high school courses, so be prepared for a new level of intellectual challenge. You might encounter larger class sizes, increased independence, and higher expectations for assignments and exams.

7. Managing your time: Balancing academics, clubs, social life, and self-care can be challenging in college. Start developing good time management habits early on to ensure success throughout your college years.

8. Embracing change: College is a time of significant growth and self-discovery. Be open to new experiences, perspectives, and challenges. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!

Remember that everyone's first day as a freshman will be different, and it's okay to feel nervous or overwhelmed at times. Just take things one step at a time and enjoy the exciting journey ahead!

4 months ago

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