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CSUN Journalism program?

Hi guys! I'm a high school junior considering CSUN for their journalism program. What's your experience with the program, and are there any clubs or internships available that relate to journalism?

10 months ago

Hey there! It's great to hear that you're considering CSUN's journalism program. While I can't speak from personal experience, I can provide you with some insights into the program and related opportunities.

CSUN's journalism program has a solid reputation and offers a hands-on learning approach. The department focuses on a blend of traditional journalism principles and modern techniques. You can expect to cover areas like print journalism, broadcast journalism, multimedia storytelling, and various investigative techniques.

As for clubs and extracurricular opportunities, CSUN has the Daily Sundial, the student-run newspaper, where you can get hands-on experience in reporting, writing, and editing. Additionally, the campus hosts a radio station, KCSN-FM, offering opportunities to be involved in radio broadcasting. There is also CSUN PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) for students interested in public relations, media relations, and strategic communications.

Regarding internships, CSUN has a strong alumni network in the journalism and media industry, which can be advantageous for securing internships and job opportunities. The journalism department also offers resources and assistance in finding internships at various media outlets, news organizations, and PR agencies.

To get the most out of your experience at CSUN's journalism program, get involved in clubs and organizations, network with peers, faculty members, and alumni, and actively seek internships. These opportunities will not only help you build your skills but also prepare you for a successful career in journalism after graduation. Best of luck!

10 months ago

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