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Searching for the Best English Graduate Programs

Hello everyone! I'm currently a high school junior and I'm really drawn to studying English in college. Can anyone suggest some of the best English graduate programs in the US? I'd love to hear about your experiences or any opinions you have!

10 months ago

Hello! It's wonderful to see you already thinking about graduate programs while you're still in high school. Although as a high school junior, you'll want to focus mainly on getting into a strong undergraduate program first. Once you're in college, you can shift your focus to exploring different interests and opportunities within your English major and developing a strong academic and extracurricular profile for graduate school applications.

However, to address your question, several universities are renowned for their English graduate programs in the US. Keep in mind that these are subject to change by the time you're applying to grad schools, but it's a good starting point. Some of these top-notch programs include:

1. Harvard University

2. Stanford University

3. University of California - Berkeley

4. Yale University

5. The University of Chicago

6. The University of Pennsylvania

7. Columbia University

8. Princeton University

9. Cornell University

10. Duke University

It is important to note that graduate program rankings can vary depending on various factors, such as faculty, resources, research output, and specialized subfields, like creative writing or comparative literature.

Nevertheless, it's recomendable that you prioritize getting a deep understanding of the English discipline during your undergraduate studies, making meaningful connections with faculty members, pursuing internships, and networking opportunities. Also, explore both academic achievements and extracurricular passion projects that can be appealing to admissions committees in graduate programs.

As you progress through your undergraduate program, make sure to keep researching different graduate programs to find the one that aligns with your specific interests, career goals, and the type of environment you want to study and live in. Good luck, and enjoy your journey in the world of English studies!

10 months ago

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