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Poli Sci at Columbia

Hey everyone, I'm interested in possibly majoring in Political Science and I've heard that Columbia has an amazing program. Can someone tell me more about the poli sci program at Columbia? Like, what kind of classes and opportunities are available to students in this major?

10 months ago

Sure, Columbia University's Political Science program is undoubtedly top-notch and offers a variety of opportunities for its undergraduates. Here are some key highlights of the program:

1. Curriculum: The program is designed to ensure that you gain a solid foundation in political theory, research methods, and the four subfields of political science: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory. As a student, you'll have access to numerous elective courses that dive into various topics like race and ethnicity, political economy, and global governance, allowing you to tailor your education to your interests.

2. Faculty: Columbia boasts a distinguished faculty that comprises leading experts in their respective fields. You'll have the chance to learn from and interact with professors who are conducting cutting-edge research and have considerable real-world experience in politics and policy-making.

3. Research Opportunities: Students interested in research can find numerous opportunities to work alongside professors, engage in independent projects, and participate in the various research centers and institutes at Columbia. For example, the Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, the Center for the Study of Wealth and Inequality, and the Center on Global Economic Governance are a few of the prominent research hubs on campus.

4. Internships and Careers: Being in New York City, you'll have access to numerous internships in various political, non-profit, and international organizations, where you can gain hands-on experience and build your professional network. Additionally, Columbia's Center for Career Education offers resources and guidance for securing these internships.

5. Study Abroad: Columbia encourages students to study abroad, allowing you to gain cross-cultural experience and broaden your perspective on politics in different regions. The university offers numerous study abroad programs, some of which have a specific focus on political science.

6. Events and Extracurriculars: There are also many political and policy-related student clubs and organizations on campus, such as Model UN and the Columbia Political Union. Additionally, the school hosts guest lectures, conferences, and workshops that feature prominent political figures, scholars, and practitioners, providing further opportunities for students to engage in critical discussions and network with professionals.

Overall, Columbia's Political Science program provides a comprehensive, well-rounded education with numerous opportunities for extracurricular engagement, research, internships, and networking within the field. If you're passionate about politics and public policy, Columbia would be a fantastic place to pursue your interests.

10 months ago

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