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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Dallas Christian College Baseball Division

Hey, I'm a high school baseball player who's interested in Dallas Christian College. I'm wondering, is their baseball team D1? I'd appreciate any info or insights on their athletics, thanks!

8 months ago

Hey! Dallas Christian College (DCC) is not a Division I school; it is actually a member of the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) and competes in the Southwest Region. The NCCAA is a different athletic governing body from the NCAA, which is the organization that divides schools into three divisions (D1, D2, and D3). The NCCAA allows schools with a shared Christian faith to compete against each other, so you'll find a focus on building character and community through the sports programs at DCC and the other NCCAA schools.

While DCC may not have the same level of recognition as NCAA Division I programs, the Crusaders baseball team is still highly competitive within the NCCAA. As a student-athlete at DCC, you would be able to participate in a competitive and faith-oriented atmosphere. This might be a good fit if you're looking to balance your athletic and academic pursuits while also being part of a tight-knit Christian community.

If you're interested in learning more about the DCC baseball program, I recommend reaching out to the coaching staff to inquire about potential recruitment opportunities and visiting the campus to get a feel for the college environment. Good luck with your search!

8 months ago

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