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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Manhattan College Student Population Details?

Hey there! I'm a high school junior who's looking into attending Manhattan College. I'm curious about the student population there. What's the size and diversity of the student body? Are there any insights about the campus vibe in general?

10 months ago

Hey! Manhattan College, located in Riverdale, New York City, has a fairly moderate student population. The undergraduate enrollment is approximately 3,800 students, which provides a good balance between maintaining a close-knit atmosphere and having a diverse student body.

In terms of diversity, the student body at Manhattan College is quite varied. The college prides itself in its inclusivity and commitment to fostering a multicultural environment. A significant percentage of the students come from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, which makes for a rich learning and social experience.

As for the campus vibe, from what I've gathered from many students, Manhattan College has a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. The college promotes a strong sense of community, and many students find that the small class sizes allow for more personalized attention from faculty members. Manhattan College is a Lasallian Catholic institution, and community service and social justice are highly emphasized, along with academic excellence.

Furthermore, Manhattan College's location in New York City offers a multitude of opportunities for internships, cultural experiences, and various off-campus activities. The campus itself is somewhat of a hidden gem, as it's a green oasis tucked away in the bustling city. Overall, the campus vibe is a unique blend of a suburban feel within an urban environment.

I hope this helps in your decision-making process! Don't hesitate to visit the campus and talk to the students and staff to get a firsthand experience of what it's like to be a part of Manhattan College. Good luck!

10 months ago

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