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Looking for top art schools in Florida

Hi all! I'm currently a junior and I want to pursue a major in art. Are there any good art schools in Florida that I should check out? If you have personal experiences from there, I'd really appreciate it!

10 months ago

Hello! Florida has several well-regarded art programs for you to consider. Here are a few options:

1. Ringling College of Art and Design: Located in Sarasota, Ringling College is a top-tier art school offering a range of majors including Animation, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, and Illustration. The school is known for its high-quality facilities and strong connections to the art industry, which often leads to excellent internship and job opportunities for graduates.

2. University of Florida (UF): UF's School of Art and Art History, located in Gainesville, offers strong programs in areas such as Painting, Sculpture, and Graphic Design. The school is part of the larger university, meaning you'll have access to additional resources, clubs, and activities not just limited to art.

3. Florida State University (FSU): The College of Fine Arts at FSU in Tallahassee has various degree programs in Studio Art, Art History, and Art Education. The school's facilities are highly regarded, and the university offers plenty of opportunities to showcase your work in exhibitions and galleries.

4. New World School of the Arts: This art school, located in Miami, is actually a partnership between Miami Dade College and the University of Florida. It offers programs in Visual Arts, Dance, Music, and Theater. Students can receive either a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or a Bachelor of Music (BM) degree from the University of Florida upon graduation.

While I don't have personal experience attending these schools, many students praise these institutions' faculty, facilities, and opportunities to connect with the art community. It's a good idea to visit each school's website, research their programs, and, if possible, arrange a campus visit to get a better sense of the environment and offerings. Good luck in your search!

10 months ago

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