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What NCAA Division does University of Maryland compete in?

Hello everyone! So, I'm a high school junior interested in playing sports in college. Does anyone know which NCAA Division the University of Maryland's athletic teams are in? And how competitive are their sports teams overall?

10 months ago

The University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) competes in NCAA Division I, which is the highest level of intercollegiate athletics. UMD is also a member of the Big Ten Conference, which is a competitive athletic conference within Division I. The sports teams at UMD are known as the Terrapins or the "Terps" for short.

The University of Maryland has a strong athletic program with competitive teams in various sports. Some of their most prominent teams include men's basketball, women's basketball, men's soccer, women's lacrosse, and field hockey. Over the years, the school has won multiple national championships and conference titles in these sports. However, the competitiveness of the teams varies from sport to sport. Keep in mind that being a Division I school generally means that the athletes are highly skilled, and recruiting is often more rigorous due to the level of competition.

If you are interested in joining one of the athletic teams at the University of Maryland, the best approach would be to reach out to the respective coaching staff or review the information on their athletics website for details about recruitment, eligibility, and specific team stats.

10 months ago

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