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New England culinary arts training

Hello everyone! I'm considering a culinary arts career after college and was wondering if anyone knows of any top-notch culinary arts training programs in the New England area? Any recommendations for schools or institutions with strong culinary programs? Thanks so much!

8 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're interested in pursuing a culinary arts career. The New England region offers several reputable schools and institutions known for their strong culinary arts programs. Here are some options to consider:

1. Johnson & Wales University (Providence, Rhode Island): JWU is a highly respected institution with an excellent culinary arts program. They offer different degree programs, including associate and bachelor's degrees in Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry Arts, and Food & Beverage Management.

2. New England Culinary Institute (Montpelier, Vermont): NECI is a well-known culinary arts school featuring programs in Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry Arts, and Food & Beverage Business Management. They offer associate and bachelor's degrees, as well as certificate programs.

3. Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts): BU's Metropolitan College offers a prestigious Certificate Program in the Culinary Arts, as well as programs in Wine Studies and various professional cooking courses. This program, taught by experienced chefs, emphasizes hands-on training and provides a broad culinary foundation.

4. Culinary Institute of America (Hyde Park, New York): Although not in the New England area, it's worth mentioning the CIA due to its renowned reputation in the culinary world. CIA offers programs in Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry Arts, and other food-related concentrations. They have associate, bachelor's, and master's degree options.

Make sure to research each institution, visit their websites, and reach out to current students or alumni to get a better understanding of their programs, facilities, and campus life. Additionally, consider visiting the campuses and speaking with admissions counselors to discuss your goals and ask any questions you may have.

Good luck in your culinary arts journey!

8 months ago

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