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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Miami location—How is the area?

I've been considering the University of Miami as one of my top choices, but I'm not very familiar with the location. Could someone fill me in on the surrounding area, campus life, and what it's like to live there? Your input would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

The University of Miami is located in Coral Gables, Florida, which is a suburban area about 20 minutes southwest of downtown Miami. Coral Gables is known for its picturesque tree-lined streets, Mediterranean-style architecture, and upscale residential areas. Adjacent to the campus are shopping centers like Sunset Place and Merrick Park, which offer a variety of retail stores, restaurants, and entertainment options.

The campus itself spans over 239 acres and features a mix of modern and historic buildings, as well as impressive facilities such as the recently updated Shalala Student Center and the Wellness Center. The university puts emphasis on its outdoor spaces, with lush landscaping, bodies of water, and ample green spaces for students to relax and study.

As for campus life, UM offers over 300 student organizations, so there's no shortage of social activities and events to participate in. Additionally, the school has a vibrant sports culture, with many students supporting the Hurricanes' athletics teams.

The local climate is tropical, with warm temperatures year-round, making it ideal for outdoor activities and beach visits. The nearby neighborhoods of Coconut Grove and South Miami provide opportunities for dining, shopping, and nightlife. The famous South Beach area and downtown Miami are a short drive away, providing access to even more entertainment and cultural experiences.

Public transportation can be limited, so having a car or using ride-sharing apps can be helpful in getting around. Nonetheless, the Metrorail does run through Coral Gables and connects to downtown Miami, making it a viable option as well.

Living in Coral Gables and attending the University of Miami offers a blend of suburban comfort and access to a bustling urban environment. The combination of an idyllic campus setting with the vibrant Miami metropolitan area provides a diverse and exciting college experience.

3 months ago

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