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Pros and Cons of Mizzou's Animal Science Program?

I'm really considering Mizzou's Animal Science program but I want to know more about it. What are the pros and cons? How would you rate the overall experience and opportunities at Mizzou for this major?

8 months ago

The Animal Science program at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) is well-regarded overall, but as with any college program, there are both pros and cons. I'll outline some of the key factors you should consider when evaluating Mizzou's program.


1. Facilities and resources: Mizzou has a variety of modern facilities, including the National Swine Resource and Research Center, the MU Equine Teaching Facility, and the Beef Research and Teaching Farm. These resources provide students with ample opportunities for hands-on learning.

2. Research opportunities: Mizzou has a strong commitment to research, and many students in the Animal Science program get involved in faculty-led research projects. These opportunities help students gain practical skills, network with professionals, and potentially even publish their own work.

3. Wide range of coursework: Mizzou's Animal Science program offers a diverse range of specialized courses in nutrition, genetics, reproduction, and management. This comprehensive curriculum allows students to explore different areas of interest within animal science.

4. Strong alumni network: Mizzou's alumni network is extensive and well-connected, and provides students with valuable networking and mentorship opportunities. The network can undoubtedly benefit graduates when seeking internships or full-time job offers, or when pursuing further education.


1. Location: Located in Columbia, Missouri, Mizzou may not be in an ideal location for everyone. Although being in a rural setting can be advantageous for Animal Science studies, there may not be the same broader opportunities as in a larger city, and some students may prefer a different environment for their overall college experience.

2. Competition for resources: While Mizzou offers excellent resources and opportunities, there can be steep competition for them, including with graduate students. Students may need to be especially proactive and dedicated to secure internships, research positions, and other opportunities.

3. Large class sizes: As a public university, Mizzou tends to have larger class sizes, which can create a less personalized learning experience for some students. You might find it more challenging to build strong relationships with professors and receive individual attention.

Overall, Mizzou's Animal Science program offers a strong foundation in the subject, as well as numerous opportunities for hands-on experience and research. The available facilities, coursework, and alumni network create a solid environment for learning and future success. However, the location and potential competition for resources may be drawbacks for some students. Ultimately, it's essential to weigh these factors and determine if Mizzou's Animal Science program aligns with your personal preferences and academic goals. Best of luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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