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Humboldt State Athletics?

What's up? I'm a junior looking into colleges with decent sports programs. Anyone know how the athletics are at Humboldt State? I'd love to know about the teams and facilities.

8 months ago

Hello! Humboldt State University, located in Arcata, California, is an NCAA Division II school and a member of the California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA). Their mascot is Lucky the Lumberjack, and their sports teams are often referred to as the Lumberjacks. HSU offers a range of sports for both men and women.

Men's sports at Humboldt State include basketball, cross country, track and field, and soccer. Women's sports comprise basketball, cross country, track and field, rowing, soccer, softball, and volleyball. While athletics are not the primary focus at Humboldt State when compared to larger universities with Division I programs, the Lumberjacks do have a history of competitive success within the CCAA.

In terms of facilities, Humboldt State offers a variety of on-campus resources for student-athletes. The Lumberjack Arena serves as the home court for basketball and volleyball, while the College Creek Soccer Field hosts soccer games. Track and field events take place at the Redwood Bowl, complete with an all-weather track, and the Softball Field serves as the home of the women's softball team.

The student recreation center offers a variety of fitness resources for the broader student body, including a weight room, fitness classes, swimming pool, and more. Recreational sports and intramural leagues are also available, providing opportunities for the entire campus community to engage in athletic activities.

Overall, while Humboldt State's athletics program may not have the same level of prestige as larger universities with Division I programs, they do have a history of competitive play within the CCAA. The facilities are well-maintained and provide student-athletes with the resources they need to excel in their respective sports. Moreover, the recreation center and intramural sports leagues offer non-varsity athletes plenty of opportunities for physical activity, promoting a culture of wellness and camaraderie on campus.

8 months ago

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