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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Stanford University located?

Hey guys, can anyone tell me where exactly Stanford University is located? I know it's in California, but I'm not too familiar with the area and wanted to get a sense of what the surrounding community is like. Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

Stanford University is located in Stanford, California, which is adjacent to the city of Palo Alto. Palo Alto is a vibrant community in the heart of Silicon Valley, about 35 miles south of San Francisco and around 20 miles north of San Jose. The area is known for its innovative and tech-driven atmosphere, with numerous tech companies and start-ups headquartered nearby.

The university's campus spans over 8,000 acres, making it one of the largest university campuses in the United States. The campus features beautiful architecture, lush green spaces, and a variety of recreational facilities. The university also operates in close proximity to various shopping, dining, and entertainment options within Palo Alto and neighboring areas.

In terms of weather, Stanford enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate with warm, sunny days throughout the year and cool, wet winters. Its location near the San Francisco Bay also provides opportunities for various outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and water sports. Overall, Stanford University and its surrounding areas offer a unique blend of academic opportunities, a thriving community, and a stimulating environment for students and visitors alike.

4 months ago

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