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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Student Population at University of Oregon

Hi everyone! I'm doing some research on the University of Oregon and I want to know more about its student population. How big is the university, and can anyone share their perspectives on the campus atmosphere and class sizes?

8 months ago

The University of Oregon has a total undergraduate enrollment of around 20,000 students, making it a moderately-sized university. Generally, students find the campus environment lively, with a mix of social, sports, and academic opportunities. The green and picturesque campus is often praised for its beauty, and the school has a strong athletic spirit, as it is part of the Pac-12 Conference.

When it comes to class sizes, the university has an overall student-to-faculty ratio of 17:1, which is relatively reasonable for a public university. In your first and second years, you may encounter larger lectures, particularly in popular or required courses, where class sizes can be upwards of 100 students. However, as you progress in your studies and begin taking more specialized courses within your major, you'll likely experience smaller class sizes, offering more opportunities for individualized attention and interaction with your professors.

Students often find that the University of Oregon provides a welcoming environment with a strong sense of community. There are over 300 student clubs and organizations that cater to various interests, allowing you to get involved on campus and find your niche. Additionally, Eugene, where the university is located, is known for its friendly and laid-back atmosphere, contributing to the overall positive experience of studying at the University of Oregon.

It's worth noting that every student's experience will differ depending on factors like personal preferences and academic pursuits. It's essential to visit the campus if possible and engage with current students to get a better feel for the university's atmosphere and determine if it aligns with your priorities and expectations.

8 months ago

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