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Drury University ranking?

Hey there, I've been looking into Drury University and wanted to know more about its ranking. How does it compare to other similar schools, and does anyone have any personal experience with Drury? Thanks for your help!

10 months ago

Drury University is a small, private liberal arts institution located in Springfield, Missouri. It has been consistently ranked as one of the top regional universities in the Midwest. According to the U.S. News & World Report 2023 rankings, Drury University is ranked #26 among Regional Universities Midwest.

Drury offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, with popular majors including business, architecture, and psychology. The university emphasizes a hands-on learning approach and provides numerous opportunities for internships, research, and study abroad experiences.

Students often praise Drury's intimate and engaged campus community, along with its dedicated and accessible faculty. The smaller class sizes allow for more personalized attention from professors, and a strong sense of community is fostered through various campus activities and events.

While I can't provide first-hand experience, many students say that the university offers a well-rounded education with a supportive environment. It's important to consider individual fit when looking at schools, so I'd recommend visiting the campus or attending a virtual tour, connecting with current students, and talking to alumni to learn more about their experiences at Drury University.

In comparison to other similar schools, Drury has a respectable position within the regional scope. However, you should also look into factors like program offerings, extracurriculars, and campus culture to see if Drury aligns with your preferences and educational goals.

10 months ago

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