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SUU Meal Plans

Hey, I'm considering attending Southern Utah University (SUU) and I'm trying to figure out the meal plan situation there. Anyone familiar with their meal plans and how they work? Are they worth it, and is the food any good? Thanks a lot!

a year ago

Hey there! I'm familiar with Southern Utah University's meal plan system, and I can definitely help you out with some information.

Southern Utah University offers a few meal plan options, which are mainly divided into Thunderbird All Access (unlimited dining) and Block Meal plans (a set number of meals per semester). The main dining hall on campus is the Thunderbird Circle, which provides buffet-style meals during breakfast, lunch, and dinner hours. Additionally, there are several smaller dining spots around campus, like Outtakes where you can use your Flex Dollars - an allotted amount of money included with your meal plan to be spent at these locations.

In terms of whether the meal plans are worth it, it really depends on your eating habits and preferences. The Thunderbird All Access plan is great if you prefer to eat multiple times a day and would like the unlimited access to food at the dining hall. On the other hand, if you know you'll be eating fewer meals on campus or prefer to cook some of your meals, a Block Meal plan might be more suitable as it offers a certain number of meals per semester that you can use as per your needs.

When it comes to food quality, it can be subjective. Some students seem to be satisfied with the variety and taste of the food, while others may find it to be average. Keep in mind that there are numerous campus dining options like Chick-fil-A, SUU Subs, Pita Pit, and more, where you can use your Flex Dollars for meals if you'd like something different from the standard dining hall fare.

In summary, choosing the right meal plan depends on your eating habits, budget, and preferences. I'd recommend visiting the campus, if possible, and trying the food at the different dining spots to get a better idea of what would work best for you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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