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Help locating University Park, PA?

Hey! I've been hearing good things about University Park in Pennsylvania, and I'm curious to learn more about its location. What are the key landmarks or cities nearby? Is there any easy way to travel there from out of state? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

University Park, Pennsylvania, is the location of Pennsylvania State University, commonly referred to as Penn State. The university town is situated within State College, a community in Centre County. University Park is in central Pennsylvania, in a region known as the Happy Valley.

The nearby major cities include:

- Harrisburg, PA (approx. 85 miles southeast)

- Pittsburgh, PA (approx. 135 miles west)

- Philadelphia, PA (approx. 195 miles southeast)

Being a university town, there are multiple ways to access University Park from out of state. Here are some of the most common options:

1. By air: University Park has its own airport called University Park Airport (SCE). Travelers can fly to this airport directly or connect through major hubs such as Philadelphia, Washington Dulles, and Detroit. The airport is roughly a 15-minute drive to the main campus.

2. By bus: Greyhound and Fullington Trailways provide bus services to the area with a stop in State College. The bus stop is close to the campus, and local buses or taxis are available to take you to your final destination.

3. By car: If you prefer to drive, the easiest route to reach University Park would be via Interstate 80 and US Route 322, which provide easy access to the State College area.

I hope this helps you better understand the location and accessibility of University Park, Pennsylvania. It's a great community and home to one of the largest and well-respected public universities in the United States. Safe travels!

10 months ago

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