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What is the graduation rate at the University of Maryland?

Currently doing some college research, and I was wondering about the graduation rate at the University of Maryland. How do they compare to other universities in terms of students finishing their degrees on time?

10 months ago

The graduation rate at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) is quite strong. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the 6-year graduation rate for full-time undergraduate students at UMD is approximately 86%. This means that 86% of students who began their studies at UMD completed their degree within six years.

Comparing UMD to other universities, this graduation rate is quite competitive. For context, the national average 6-year graduation rate for four-year institutions is around 62%. So, the University of Maryland performs significantly better than the national average in terms of helping students graduate on time.

However, it's important to keep in mind that graduation rates can vary depending on factors like the students' chosen majors, academic support resources available, and personal circumstances. So, while UMD has a solid graduation rate overall, individual experiences may vary.

10 months ago

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