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Lincoln University (PA) Athletics

Hello, I'm considering attending Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, and I'm curious about the athletics. What kind of athletic programs do they offer, and how competitive is the recruitment process for their teams?

10 months ago

Lincoln University (PA) is a Division II school and a member of the NCAA and the CIAA (Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association). They offer various sports programs for both men and women. Here's a list of the sports offered at Lincoln University (PA):


1. Baseball

2. Basketball

3. Cross Country

4. Football

5. Tennis

6. Track & Field


1. Basketball

2. Bowling

3. Cross Country

4. Softball

5. Tennis

6. Track & Field

7. Volleyball

Regarding the competitiveness of the recruitment process, like at most other colleges, it depends on the particular sport and the level of talent. As a Division II school, Lincoln University's recruitment process may not be as rigorous as that of top Division I schools, but the university still seeks dedicated athletes who can perform well both athletically and academically.

If you're interested in being recruited to join one of their teams, it would be a good idea to start by reaching out to the coaching staff of the respective sport. You can find the contact information for the coaches on Lincoln University's athletics website. Share your athletic background, skills, and achievements, and express your interest in playing for their team. You can also provide any highlight reels or performance videos to demonstrate your abilities.

Additionally, make sure you maintain a strong academic record, as colleges in general, including Lincoln University, look for student-athletes who can excel both in the classroom and on the field or court. Good luck with your athletic pursuits!

10 months ago

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