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GWU Housing Rates - What should I expect?

I'm considering attending George Washington University and I want to know more about their housing options. How much do they usually charge for on-campus housing? What are the different options available for students and can someone share their thoughts on living on-campus at GWU?

10 months ago

Living on-campus at George Washington University (GWU) is certainly an exciting and convenient option, allowing you to be close to your classes, resources, and the overall college community. As you consider GWU, it's essential to be aware of the costs and the different on-campus housing options available:

1. Costs: The costs for on-campus housing at GWU can vary depending on the type of residence you choose. On average, you can expect to pay around $11,020 - $16,560 per academic year for a shared double or triple room. Keep in mind that the rates can change from year to year, so it's good to keep an eye on the latest information provided by GWU's housing website.

2. Housing Options: GWU offers varied housing options for first-year students, including traditional residence halls, townhouses, and apartment-style living. Some of the first-year residence options include Thurston Hall, Mitchell Hall, and Potomac House. Upperclassmen have more choices, such as South Hall, International House, District House, and Munson Hall. It is important to note that GWU requires first-year students to live on-campus; after that, living on-campus is optional but encouraged.

3. Living On-Campus: Living on campus at GWU has its perks—it allows you to fully immerse yourself in the college experience, meet new people, and easily access all available resources. Some students love the camaraderie and convenience of living with other students, while others may find it hard to adapt to communal living. Each residence hall has its own unique vibe and offers various amenities, such as study areas, lounges, laundry facilities, and kitchens.

As you research GWU's housing options, take into consideration your preferences and needs in terms of room types, costs, and location. You can also consult current and former students or the university's housing office for more insights on GWU's on-campus living experience. This can help you make an informed decision on whether GWU's on-campus housing is the right fit for you.

10 months ago

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